What are the Best Flowers to Grow During the Summer?
The Summertime is the perfect time to plant some flowers. Flowers that are able to withstand immense heat and bright sunlight can be of great help in properly decorating your garden, patio or lawn this season. Here are some of the best flowers for summer: Flowers are a great way to add color and beauty to your garden. This has been one of the most popular things in gardening for centuries, and there is no doubt that it will continue to be so. Flower crops can range from annuals, biennials and perennials. Each type has its own characteristics with different growth habits and flowering times. For example: A perennial flower will grow back each year after dying down in winter. An annual is a plant which completes its entire life cycle over the course of just one growing season. It then dies off completely at season's end, but in some cases reseeds for next year in warmer locations where it doesn't frost in wintertime . On the other hand, a biennial takes at least two years to com...